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916 in USA

How many 916's in the USA ? and what states  I have a 2.0 T-Spark  97   in Utah  Thanks Ron

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Cool! Imported recently, or as a grey zone car?? Or via Canada somehow?

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Welcome Ron! :) 916 is very rare in the States. There was some import there but not by any official dealer, it was rebranded as "Autodelta GTS"(!).


GTV 369.jpgGTV 370.jpgGTV 373.jpgGTV 371.jpg

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My 916 Spider is USA Spec. Safety plus IM  Car  came out of Canada   I'll post some photos soon I have had The 916 for Two Years this is my 9th  Alfa Romeo



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Nice post Paso! If i remember right there was company  called "Autodelta USA" (or something similar) who imported the 916 in the USA?  I read somewhere about but could not found any details...

Do you have more photos of this 916? the interior looks interesting...

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On 28/8/2018 at 15:22, Paso said:

Welcome Ron! :) 916 is very rare in the States. There was some import there but not by any official dealer, it was rebranded as "Autodelta GTS"(!).


GTV 369.jpgGTV 370.jpgGTV 373.jpgGTV 371.jpg


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