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GTV Darren

GTV Darren Newbie saying hello

Hi just a few lines to introduce myself,


My name is Darren & I live in the uk I have owned a alfa gtv now for a number of years and use to be active at one time on alfa owner.


My car is a gtv 2.0 ts colour yellow.


At the moment I don't use the car a great deal and it has stood on my drive for a good while as I didn't wish to part with it.


I now plan to try and restore it to a like new condition as and when i have the spare cash to spend on the car so i guess its become a project and hobby :)  as its no longer my everyday car.




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Welcome here  :) . I like very much yellow GTVs and Spiders, so please show us some pictures of your car  ;) .

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Squadra916 is the largest international community for owners and fans of Alfa Romeo GTV and Spider 916 cars.