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GTV 3.0 V6 24V Paso

184 posts in this topic

The timing belt job has finally started today... I made an arrangement with my mechanic (and friend) so that I try to do it myself, of course, in his workshop and with his supervision. It's super interesting but not easy at all... now I fully understand why such kind of work is expensive. Day one I have done the whole disassembly except for the water pump - I needed help there as it's really nasty to get it out without removing the engine. However, it's possible, my mechanic has a lot of experience. The interesting thing is that the original Alfa Romeo part has metal rotor in the pump and every new replacement part today uses the plastic rotor. I don't like that but there is no choice. I hope it will last. Also, during process we have found out that lower engine mount is in bad shape (no wonder after 21 years!) so we'll replace that too.


I'll write on as I progress with the service... Wish me luck! :)

















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I found out that there are water pumps available with metal rotor! I'll let you know the brand and model number tomorrow. It seems that many GTA engine owners buy those for old GTV 3.0 as the newer cars (147/GT/156) use the plastic one. There are also some reports on Alfa forum that plastic pumps can fail in 40-50k km, so better to be safe than sorry.

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On the end I found water pump with metal impeller, it's from Thermotec, and also there is a HEPU model with a metal part, and also it seems that SKF part has metal impeller and so on... so you just need to search a bit.


Also, as it's hard to get the new oil cap for Busso, I made it with Adobe Illustrator and computer cutter! If anyone need the source vector file, I can email it! :)



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On ‎30‎.‎06‎.‎2018 at 00:07, Paso said:

On the end I found water pump with metal impeller, it's from Thermotec, and also there is a HEPU model with a metal part, and also it seems that SKF part has metal impeller and so on... so you just need to search a bit.



You can also buy Magneti Marelli ones. There is one seller on Ebay who wants only round about 50€. I bought some and they are with metal impeller :)


Here is the Link: https://www.ebay.de/itm/Wasserpumpe-LANCIA-Kappa-838-3-0-24V-Thesis-841AX-3-0-V6-3-2-V6/272707632780?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649


Edited by Michael
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The timing belt service was a perfect opportunity to tidy up the engine bay!




Maybe it's not perfect, but it's nice for a 21-year-old car! :)



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Ooh you did the gold script! I did that with my previous Nuvola beast. DSC_0148.jpeg

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I've been to check my wheel alignment and suspension geometry today after the replacement of the front right Koni shock that started to leak. Kudos to Koni for a free replacement under "lifetime warranty" that those Koni Adjustable series had at the time.


My front wishbones are a bit loose (TRW after only 7.000 km) and yet the original Alfa part lasted for over 100.000 km. I am not happy with the quality of this third party parts. If they last only a few thousands km, next time I'll buy the cheapest as they probably can't be worse than this. Ok, there was some miles done on the Grobnik racetrack and there was some hooligan-style driving, but nevertheless it's far too short...


GTV trap podesavanje.jpg

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However, there are some third party parts that are of premium quality, like this Shacal exhaust! It's 15 years old, superb craftsmenship!


Shacal 2019.jpg

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I love that exhaust :) looks brilliant :)

when you say wishbones, do you mean just the rubber bushings? In this case maybe powerflex would be the right for you, they also have Lifelong guarantie :)

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Yes, just the rubber bushings... that could be the long time solution, I'll consider that. The rear is very stiff after Powerflexing so I was hesitant to put it in front too, but it's another situation in front, do you have it in front? How is it?

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Today I replaced the lower central engine mount. The problem is that the original part is no longer available for 3.0 or 3.2 V6 24V model. So, I tried my luck with the same part for Alfa Romeo 147 GTA that is still available. It's 90% the same, but the original has two tooths that are 2-3 mm different, I guess that they are just used to center it more easily, so we decided to just scrape them off and then it was a perfect fit. The left part of the exhaust manifold must go down to do the job.


After a test drive everything seems fine, so I guess this is a solution if you have a similar service in your plan.



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On 6/30/2018 at 01:07, Paso said:

On the end I found water pump with metal impeller, it's from Thermotec, and also there is a HEPU model with a metal part, and also it seems that SKF part has metal impeller and so on... so you just need to search a bit.


Also, as it's hard to get the new oil cap for Busso, I made it with Adobe Illustrator and computer cutter! If anyone need the source vector file, I can email it! :)



Do you think you could send me the file @ razvan.spac@chep.com ?
Greatly appreciated,
Razvan - Alfa Romeo GTV phase3 3.2 v6

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New update! :)


Haha, this is really a small one, but it's rather useful - double USB charger and current voltage display. It's very inexpensive and super simple to install if you just replace the cigar lighter. However, as that is too simple ;) and I wanted to keep the old port (because of some old lamp and tyre compressor), I decided to use the empty slot for the roof window switch. You can buy the USB charger in red, green or blue illumination and it's only 3.95€ with free shipping from China.




The only catch is that if you take power from the cigar lighter, you must patch it to the yellow wire (illumination) because red wire is permanent power and that way the display and circutry will drain your battery. So, for the USB charger to work you must at least turn on daylights. Seems as a ok compromise to me.


On the end of the DIY session everything is very tidy, almost factory like! :)




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I'd be tempted to take power from the switched lead to the rear of the stereo...

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