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    • By GordZ
      Just found this site the other day was browsing around Alfa 916 and it popped up have been in the Alfa Club in Canada for years our other Alfa is a Series 4 1991 Red Spider. We use to have a 1992 164S but it became to expensive to maintain for what it was worth it was still my favorite sedan and we had some great trips in it one was 10,000 km to the Grand Canyon another story.
      We got the 98 Spider last summer just before we headed off to Newfoundland an 8 week road trip in our 92 Red spider that's another story.  
      Let me tell you about our 98 it's Blue and looks like it is new.  It came from Japan, we can import cars into Canada if over 15 years.  The car has only 33,000 Km on the clock.  I don't know if the belts have been changed so that is the first project.   Got all the parts fro EBspares and some tools from Totally Alfa. After reading all the info I can find will do it my self.  Everything is pretty original. The radiator is new old core is pretty rotted have to replace the middle exhaust has a hole in the pipe at the silencer. Got a new one form EB at the same time.
      Right know the two spiders are stored in a garage waiting for spring we still have snow on the ground and it was -3C this morning.  Should have them out in 3 weeks as the weather is trying to get better. We are getting the car ready for a trip this summer firstly off to the Nationa Alfa Convention in Providence Road Island,  There will be a few of us from Camada.  After the convention we are planning a 4 week road through Main, then to New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and finally back to home in Ontario via Quebec.
      I will try to attach a pic of our Spider to this intro and will browse around the site.  
      Keep the Alfa's going 
      Alfaholic GordZ

    • By o_carra
      Dear all,
      After some time as a lurker at several Alfa Romeo communities I registered earlier today so I can contribute properly to this excellent knowledgebase for Alfistis - and mainly GTV916-owners - worldwide.
      I have recently bought a somewhat unique Alfa Romeo GTV 916 3.0 V6 24v, silver with red momo leather interior and red edition. Practically brand new. Would suspect it to be the "best preserved" 916 around.
      Bought from a reputable Swedish Alfa Romeo dealership with just one real owner prior to myself, this car had at the time I bought it (ca 2 month ago) done only 122 miles, havn't driven it much since, will only drive in the weekends summertime. Sounds strange but its true.
      I'll spoil this car properly - in lack of wife and kids, I can give it the attention it deserves. It is practically new - both exterior and interior considered, and my ambition is to keep it that way, while also enjoying it and driving it.
      The car is completely standard OEM except for the rear muffler end part - I'm considering switching back to OEM so the car is 100 % standard oem. From factory:
      Full Zender Aerodynamic kit with front spoiler and rear spoiler/wing
      Nordic-pack since sold from Swedish dealer in 2001
      Zender aluminum pedal set
      17" teledials
      Red edition interior and red MOMO racing leather sports seats

      Only thing I'd consider is a set of 18" Zender Siena wheels. If you have them and would consider selling, let me know.
      I look forward to contributing to the forum.
      All the best

    • By Carl
      Name's Carl.
      Loving all the beautiful cars on Squadra916.com
      Here's my baby: 2000 GTV 3.0 V6
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Squadra916 is the largest international community for owners and fans of Alfa Romeo GTV and Spider 916 cars.