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Greetings to my friends


My name is Damir and I come from Zagreb, Croatia.

In the past I had few Alfa Romeo cars- 33 1.3S, 156 1.6ts, 156 2.0ts, 159 1.9 JTDm 16v.....

But one day I found 1 gray hair on my head and I sold 159 and that was a sign that explains it is time for purchasing a coupe... :)

And I bought Gtv 2.0 V6 TB.... My little blue sensation!

Now I don't know if I have male mid-life chrisis or what? But I am extremly happy and satisfied! :wub:

Thx ;)

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Hello Damir

I like the sound of your very special GTV V6 2 litre

I have both a Twin Spark GTV and the 3 litre V6 GTV but I have never driven the V6 2 litre TB version.

I would welcome your opinion on the car and the engine and look forward to seeing many photographs


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