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About ivan

  • Rank
    916 Member
  • Birthday 18/05/1983

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Köln, Germany
  • Interests
    cars shoes and food! :)
  • Member Car
    916 spider 3.0 edizione elegante + Megane III RS replica

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  1. AlfaDriver.com

    Thanks Charlee! Nice website!
  2. Merry Christmas!

    Merry belated Xmas and a super 2015 to everybody!!!
  3. Mary, I like it loud! my 916S V6

    No I've just retouched the edges where the armrest touches and a bit inside. Only for info, the flock colour is a glossy deep black.
  4. Mary, I like it loud! my 916S V6

    It's a kit from Oxskin... I can't find it anymore on ebay the Montecarlo black for Alfa but you can have a look here: http://www.lederpflege24.com/shop.html Yes I flocked it by myself.... I did a mess in the garage!
  5. Mary, I like it loud! my 916S V6

    For the hard parts I used nanotech polish, compound and then wax. For the soft plastic parts I used meguiars treatment for dashboard and then wd40 to get the matt looking. The scuff was on the frame around the center stack, so that means, if you want to change, you have to unscrew the whole dashboard! So I first got rid of the excess then I used some filler for leather to fill up the scuff. The result is awesome, hard to recognise.
  6. Hello from France...

    Welcome! Gorgeous black gtv!... How's the feeling with the Q2?
  7. Mary, I like it loud! my 916S V6

    Not easy to find it... I will let you know when I find a set.
  8. Mary, I like it loud! my 916S V6

    Still need to understand why this: Is normal to have a Ford socket for the fog light switch?
  9. Hi everybody, finally I've got time to show you my Mary: a spider 3.0 V6 24V elegante edition (1 of 241 pieces) When I bought it, the car was already like new, but I spent the past winter to get a proper show room condition! I try to keep it as original as I can... but the tuner that lives in me sometimes push me to change parts! This was the status when I bought it... But then, during winter time, I deeply took care of this beast! Starting from the interior, where some of the trim parts needed "love", some scratches on the plastic and some nail polish in a fancy magenta red on the leather trim... I've also reflocked the open box on the tunnel and revitalized the Momo leather with the original Montecarlo black colour... I've treated the center stack with some liquid wax and got rid of plastic imperfections... The rubber rotaries before and after: Then after a long research I found an original Zender pedal set and an Alfa Corse model... I had no sleep for a week, thinking which model I had to have in the car!... In the end I've opted for the Alfa Corse set, thinking that, after I restored it, the Zender looked too delicate, especially the rubber bubbles! From Zender I bought a brand new shift knob.... that is still waiting for his brother "alu handbrake"! In this photo, you can see the Blaupunkt radio CD, that I'm replacing with an Alfa Romeo old radio cassette! Cool! Also the key deserved a "deep" clean! I used only a spit of Meguiar's compound that, in this case, helps to renew the self painted plastic parts. In the next episode: engine bay!
  10. Yet another UK Cup...

    Welcome aboard! yes, another Alfa/Renault driver!
  11. Hello from Montreal Canada

    Hi and welcome! Must be wonderful to drive a car in a place where almost nobody else has it or have seen it in flash!
  12. And another one from the Netherlands

    yes! although it is hard for me to read it!
  13. GTV 3l Wanted!

    Have a look at this: http://alfisti.net/mercato2/market.php?screen=cars_show_details&id=4787&posLeft=&sortMode=&sortBy=&backto=market_start Fingers crossed for you, dude!
  14. And another one from the Netherlands

    Welcome! Love that magazine! Congrats for your cars!.... another Siena fun!

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Squadra916 is the largest international community for owners and fans of Alfa Romeo GTV and Spider 916 cars.