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Everything posted by alfaromeojules

  1. hi from Austria

    Hi from Austria, my name is Julius...my nickname "Jules" and im an alfa romeo driver since my youth time.. my first alfa a red Bertone is still my own. I have with my brother an Alfa Romeo Club in Tyrol and always searching for other Clubs or Alfistis for nice contacts or Alfa Meetings. Next year I plan to go to the meeting in Rijeka. Im 50 years old and married and my wife is Alfa Romeo Fan too. I drive now a stromboli grey Alfa Romeo GT its a Diesel but a nice car..my dream is to drive a Alfa 4C one time.. I say hi to all alfisti Im on Facebook too Feel free and add me there.. https://www.facebook.com/alfajules64

Welcome to Squadra916

Squadra916 is the largest international community for owners and fans of Alfa Romeo GTV and Spider 916 cars.