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About 916C-V6TB

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    Gtv V6 TB
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  1. Ciao from Sicily

    Ciao, benvenuto.
  2. GTV 3.0 V6 CUP + Q2

  3. Gtv 3.0 V6 from Sardinia, Italy

    Hi, welcome. Son sardo pure io ;-).
  4. Ultimate 916 Spider

    Thanks Jon. It's very nice on red car, I'll try to wrap it in black in the future.
  5. Ultimate 916 Spider

    Nice! Can you post a pic of the full front of the car with the new black grill? Thanks
  6. My 916: An adventure to remember!

    Hi Orpheas, good work! Forza!
  7. My GTV 3.0 from Sydney Australia.

    Nice 916! Welcome!
  8. Hi all, from Turkey

    Nice Tb in Blu Atollo ;-)
  9. My Gtv V6 TB restoration :)

    Hi, sorry for the delay. Thank you, it's an honor to be compared to them. But honestly I think it's still a few steps below. One reason is the wheels. Unfortunately I can't mount wheels larger than 17". In Italy is the maximum allowed on 916, and spacers are also illegal. With 18" or 19" it would be much more beautiful. Although I think that, for road handling 17" is the best choice. The rear spoiler I do not like very much, without thinking it's more elegant. But it is possible that in the future I will change my mind. : D p.s. your black is awesome. Still about the wheels, looking at the photos, is it better for you with the GTA or with these phase3 ones? I have some doubt about it, I think it's a bit better with the Gta, they looks a bit more bigger and more "Alfa". Although the phase3 are very beautiful and as you said they do a lot Ferrari style. The next step will be decat + ecu mapping. It will be done by a professional in my area who works with dyno. I was thinking of raising the turbo pressure to 1.0/1.1 bar steady and 1.3 in overboost, so to have on 225 / 230 hp and 320Nm. With these values and pressures it should remain reliable, the engine has about 68,000km. I add some photos of the refurbishment. Thank yuoi alexx230.
  10. My Gtv V6 TB restoration :)

    Thanx Thanos. Yes i like it, for now they go very well. I did a few miles. The rear now follows the trajectories well. The Koni then are spectacular, it looks like another car than before.
  11. Ultimate 916 Spider

    The spoiler on the grey Spider was terrific. The red with Blackline
  12. Gtv 2.0 V6 TB from Kraków

    Nice car and nice new wheels!
  13. My Gtv V6 TB restoration :)

    A few small updates. New wheels with Bridgestone RE002. Refurbished multilink with change of all bushes, Strongflex+Mercedes bushes. New set of Koni Sport. Full engine service.
  14. GTV 3.0 V6 24V Paso

    Many thanks Paso.
  15. GTV 3.0 V6 24V Paso

    The wheel size must be reported in the car registration document. If the size is not on the vehicle registration document but it is provided for in the vehicle approval, an update of the vehicle registration document, based on its own COC (Certificate of Conformity) will be necessary. But Alfa Romeo does not release the authorisation required to homologate larger wheels than 17" on Gtv. In Italy all the changes that aren't included in the car registration document are illegal. You don't know how much I would like bigger wheels on my 916. Unfortunately in Italy it is not possible. One way is to have wheels with "italian NAD" approval, It will be possible to fit alloys with dimensions approved by the manufacturer of the part which will clearly show (once the tyre is fitted) the Italian approval number NAD. Furthermore, the car equipped with the new wheels must be part of the “Fiment List ” (the document that contains all the necessary information to perform correctly the fitting) for which the wheel itself has been approved. But at the moment no one produces "NAD" wheels 18" or bigger for the Gtv. So the only alternative is to homologate the car from Tuv in Germany, and bring all the changes (brakes, exhaust, wheels, all tunings parts) into the car registration document in Italy. But the costs are very high (>3000€), and the process is long and tedious. Do you refer to this alternative? If yes, I didn't know it was possible even in Croatia, can you give me some information? Thanks and sorry for the OT

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