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About gbinsb

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    GTV 2.0 V6 TB
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  1. Gbinsb - GTV V6 TB project

    Hello Kunev, Initially I figured that my AC lines and pump were in the way of the inter cooler and bigger radiator. So I removed the lines and all AC stuff. Replaced the AC pulley with a bigger pulley for the steering pump and fabricated the new steering pump support. I can use the standard aux belt. Afterwords I might have saved the AC, or rerouted the lines like I did with the steeringpump line. I made some room for the radiator by adjusting the support. So maybe in the future.. I actually don’t remember the core size of my intercooler, tube is 57mm diameter. But much bigger won’t fit nice imo. the TD05 was from the earlier 164 correct. I had most parts, so it fitted on the stock support and 60mm downpipe exhaust. That is pretty convenient. Only thing I had to adjust was oil return pipe. Connection on the oil carter was different from my GTV and 164 engine. I rebuilded it to the 16G big compressor. Unfortunately I didn’t choose for the billet compressor wheel at that time, but that’s ok for now. Turbo is good, for at least 300hp. I used kinugawa actuator, this works perfectly, the original was gone already on my Garrett turbo. I had to fabricate my own bracket to fit the 16G compressor housing. The blowoff valve is from HKS, and doing a perfect job. Much better than the Forge crap. And I used a Mocal oil cooler as a replacement for the Stock rusted one. For the clutch, all I know it holds 35% more than stock. See pictures below for the difference. It has been over 8 years that I purchased it, so i don’t know the fine details anymore
  2. Gbinsb - GTV V6 TB project

    0Finally after 8 years of abandoning this project, the beginning of this year I continued. It’s driving again and has MoT. I also did a A/C delete, walboro 255l fuel pump, TD05 with 16G conversion turbo, FMIC, bigger radiator, Q2 diff with enforced clutch and a AFM to MAF conversion. Now I have to dial in the bigger turbo
  3. gbinsb

  4. Hello! Tell me whether you can install the camshaft from 155 2.5 v6 to 2.0 v6TB? What effect will give, and what problems can there be?

    1. gbinsb


      Sorry very late reply, I’ve been ill for a long time. The cams gave me 20HP extra but left out a bit torque. This was measured on the dyno with no mods on the ecu.

  5. Hey gbinsb, 


    ik kwam jouw build tegen van de 166 remschijven en brackets voor een TB. Ik ben bij een TS de remmen en ophanging aan het vervangen en heb de kans dus ook TB fusees erin te zetten. De set die jij hebt gekocht, mag ik vragen waar je die vandaan hebt? Die brackets zijn custom made nietwaar?


    hoor het graag!





  6. 166 Brembo Brake Caliper mounting brackets

    You can contact him directly, his name is Rainier Straetmans r.straetmans@hotmail.com. In the past I bought some parts from him. He can tell you when and how to get them.
  7. 166 Brembo Brake Caliper mounting brackets

    This is the guy I have contacted, he told me that within a month he had new brackets. Price will probably be less than 100 euro.
  8. 166 Brembo Brake Caliper mounting brackets

    I bought them too expensive several years ago. But on our local forums they are sold for around 125 euro.
  9. My GTV V6 TB

    Impressive and respect
  10. 166 Brembo Brake Caliper mounting brackets

    I also didn't have to grind off anything from my caliper when I installed mine. Check my picture below from the set I have installed.
  11. Gbinsb - GTV V6 TB project

    So we proceeded to rebuild the engine with the refurbished parts. we cleaned the engine pretty good no sludge left. Cleaned the pistons and rods, and installed new piston rings. new valve guides, reseated the valves and flattened the gasket surface. Honed the cylinders. The crankshaft was polished and didn't need special oversized bearings, but.. The rods in my engine have oil sprayers in the rods. The new original bearings don't have the oil hole anymore.. It seems that Alfa revised the rods in the 90's and leave out the oil spraying hole. So also the new bearing don't have the hole anymore. I then bough the Glyco after marked bearings, they still have the hole SO now I can still use this function. Installed the cylinders with pistons. When we installed the main bearing caps, I was a bit confused. The engine overhaul manual wrote 25nm and 79 degrease angle torque. The alfa repair manual wrote 84 - 93 nm and talked about lock nuts with 25 nm. When I disassembled the engine I didn't see any extra lock nuts, but my 2 middle bearings where not round but eclipse shape. so that was not good, probably the nuts where not tightened properly because of the confusion with a previous rebuild. I found out that alfa used lock nuts in the past on the 164 v6 engine, but started using the angle torque on all new engines and leave the lock nuts. So that is what I did, 25 nm and 79 degrees. I measured roughly about 122 - 136 nm. I started also cleaning the auxiliary parts so that we can fit the heads with nice clean parts.
  12. My GTV V6 TB

    I think so, at least you get a error message in the ECU.
  13. Saved another....

    Nice collection! You take good care for them
  14. Gbinsb - GTV V6 TB project

    We started the disassembly couple of weeks ago. The crankshaft has been damaged a little bit. So this has been send to a specialist, just like the heads and cylinders. after this we have cleaned the engine
  15. The TBI!

    That is an excellent engine inside enjoy your new ride!

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