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About spiderman-GR.

  • Rank
    916 Member
  • Birthday 19/02/1976

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  • Member Car
    Alfa Romeo 156 GTA Selespeed

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  1. Alfa V6 Busso or BMW M3

  2. BG GTVv6TB

    could you please write your impressions about the lowtec, in comparison with any other set you have experienced ( if you had)? (original, koni etc).Thank you.
  3. Alfa Romeo Gtv & Spider Production Units

    the Q2 was not availiable back in 2005.. Try to corner in 2nd gear and full throttle. If you spin your internal wheel, and the car as normally, tends to understeer, you dont have a Q2. If you dont spin, you have less understeer and you feel something keeping you at the inside of the corner (front in), you have the Q2. The badge at the rear also, is not the original. Must be a really rare car in Australia.
  4. My Gtv & Spider.

    I think i ll not. my plan is very..clear. Gtv will be replaced (sooner or later!) with a 911, and with the Barchetta and the 156 GTA Selespeed i will be ..covered.
  5. My Gtv & Spider.

    Guys, this topic may get locked. My spider is gone, about a month ago, and my GTV is sold yesterday. Thank you very much. I'll stay in here, only as an observer, and as a fanatic enthusiast of the 916's....
  6. My Gtv & Spider.

    I guess that the time of non having a 916 series alfa romeo, is not so far away..
  7. Today has started the Exhibition of Special Italian Cars, organised by the Scuola Italiana d' Atene (Italian school of Athens), as a part of the "Christmas Bazaar 2012". All the cars presented, were of the "TheItalianJob.gr" club (& forum), wich is affected to all the italian cars & bikes . there were: Αlfa's :(Gtv V6TB cup alike, Spider 916 & Spider serie I , Brera 3.2 j5 Compressore, 156 GTA selespeed , Alfa Gt 3.2 v6 ) Lancia's :(Deltona Martini & HF , Beta coupe) Autobianchi Abarth Fiat 500 abarth (the first) & 5oo 1.4 100hp Fiat Punto HGT Compressore (Racing) Abarth 500 esse-esse (x2) & Abarth 500 Maserati 4200 Granturismo S & 4200GT Lamborghini Gallardo LP550 Plus the presence of official Alfa romeo in greece with 3 cars & the DRIVE MAGAZINE as the responsible of covering the event and pubblicing it at the press. Some photos of today , but the main event is..tomorrow ,but i will not be there..Hope you like them!! The 156 GTA ss , and the Red Gtv are my babes...The silver Spider, is my...ex..!
  8. My Gtv & Spider.

    Photos of the Gta, i guess will have 2-3days after. Not had the time even to get her cleaned. I did just..8km's with her. Monday, early morning we starting living together... A little off-topic, but now with the 156 Gta in my hands, i am more convinced than ever, that the most sensational-sexy- full of feelings car made by alfa romeo the last 20years is the 916. Totally different thing. maybe slower, maybe not to ...balanced, maybe a lot of things, but the feeling of driving something really special is clear . Not happening with any other alfa (and i think i have driven everyone of the last 20years) except Brera...Great cars the 916s....
  9. Villanis GTV 3.0 V6 24V Red Style

    great car....The sunroof is "all the money" as we say in Greece..!
  10. My Gtv & Spider.

    10 years after the first time, my girl is gone. Sold today. Not for a specific reason. Just because, after 10years, there is nothing left to be done. Last view, and last words , "this car is me". I know that she will be treated well, i know is the best car i ever had. Same parking post, but different car. An Alfa 156 Gta Selespeed is now the new kid in town..Ready to get confortable with the Gtv Tb and the Barchetta.. Hope i will love her as much as i loved my Spider.
  11. My Gtv & Spider.

    Today's photos of my Spider . Is for sale (for 4.300 euro's)...After 10 years of ....affair, this is the end. Without the Osrav's suspensions , without aftermarket xenon , aftermarket woofers & subwoofer , with the standard 16" rims with 205/50/16 . Like a fully normal Spider. For some months, will stay with my Gtv V6 TB , my Barchetta and my Corsa. After the summer of 2013, will have the...new entries.
  12. GTV "Cup look" by ToxyMaTT

    btw, the tyres are in good condition . you're driving well, and the car is ok...thats my conclusion!!! they have the classic signs of a heavy powerfull car, but they are ok. Nice photos!!
  13. Spider Sportivo

    great photo!!
  14. My Gtv & Spider.

    here in Greece, the official maserati dealer, is veeery expensive for servicing this car. But there are two, very competitive mechanics, in athens, that they can do everything , even better than the "official", at prices +30% in comparison with my TB. The reason for "passing " to maserati is simple. Aesthetically, is almost at the same level of Alfa Romeo (i consider my Gtv more goodlooking from a 911 and 3200Gt). It seems, that the Mase, is a Gtv upgraded 2 levels up . The 911, for me is not a natural step. So, Mase.

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