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About Gaincho

  • Rank
    916 Member

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  • Member Car
    Alfa Romeo Gtv 3.2 V6
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  1. Alfa GTV CARBONara

    I follow your job in the shadows... It's incredible!!! Waiting for more...
  2. GTV 3.0 V6 CUP + Q2

  3. GTV 3.0 V6 CUP + Q2

    Hey, hey, hey!!! You fooled me!! That's not a diesel GT!!!! OMG! This is stuning!!! You've got to relocate that numbers at the back Never seen a car with 63.0 cylinders, and I think it's impossible to put them in V configuration.
  4. Do you have any pic? A friendo of mine is looking for one.
  5. New member

    Beautiful car Welcome here!!
  6. TS BBK, Zender Pedals and Bilstein B6 TS shocks

    I'm afraid that's far beyond what I thought. I already have a zender replicas, and I was willing to switch them for real ones, but not at that price. Thank you very much, and good luck!
  7. TS BBK, Zender Pedals and Bilstein B6 TS shocks

    Give me a price with shipping to Canary Islands (Spain), please
  8. New V6 TB owner

    Welcome, Fer! And what about the driver's seat? Last time I saw that car, it was destroyed by dogs bites. I know you're going to do a great job.
  9. Original CUP front splitter

    Don't do that, Ricardo!!! Cup-a-likes are everywhere, and they are cool, but yours is a Motus!!
  10. JTS from Barcelona

    Very beautiful car. Welcome aboard!!
  11. Alfa GTV CARBONara

    I've been really out of the forum this months. Any news on your bella?
  12. 916 door red leather pockets

    Have you seen this? https://www.ebay.es/itm/RED-STITCH-2X-DOOR-POCKET-LEATHER-COVERS-FITS-ALFA-ROMEO-GTV-SPIDER-916-95-05/390922656650?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649 Perhaps they can make them in red.
  13. Alfa GTV CARBONara

    Great job, blackbini!!!
  14. Alfa GTV CARBONara

    Then you have to put some pics from the interior. And now, that your able to work with glass and carbon fibre, don't you think of instaling a new scudetto? That gts bonnet looks like a long-nosed monkey to me
  15. Alfa GTV CARBONara

    I missed this!!! Lovely work, blackbini. Can't wait to see it dressed in Martini colours

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Squadra916 is the largest international community for owners and fans of Alfa Romeo GTV and Spider 916 cars.