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Aleš H.

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About Aleš H.

  • Rank
    916 Member
  • Birthday 07/07/1985

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  • Member Car
    Alfa Romeo GTV 2.0 TS

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  1. My well used and modified Spider TS.

    TS cambelt change is 800€ in SLO if you go to a certified AR garage (the spark plugs are 150€, variator 150€, MAF 300€, front susp. arms 120€/per piece, air con re-gas is 70€, front pads 100€, rear pads 80€, complete rear suspension arms 1200€ etc). I do the oil changes myself, the cost is about 60€ per year/10.000 km: 40€ 5l Motul X-Cess 8100 engine oil, 6€ oil filter, 15€ air filter. I don't consider tyres, brake pads, ensurance, gas and other expenses to be relevant - you just need tyres to drive the car, pads to stop it and so on. Insurance is a must, too. So no point in adding these numbers up. Still, just for info/comparisson: my TS costs 500€ a year to insure (used to be 650€ 4 years ago, but you get a -5% every year). This is your basic insurance for damages, plus mirrors, headlights and natural disasters. The MOT is another 170€, so total is about 700€ a year for insurance and inspection + road tax.
  2. My well used and modified Spider TS.

    I too have changed almost 90% of the car, including full engine rebuild, but didn't come near your 25 grand mark - more like 4-5 000€ in 5 years of ownership (the first year was a killer...). Are the prices so high in the Netherlands?
  3. My well used and modified Spider TS.

    25.000€ - that's insane!
  4. My GTV V6 TB

    Then the lighting is just plain weird. Anyway, nice colour Much better than metallic black ...
  5. My GTV V6 TB

    Once you'll have the blue EU flag in them it'll look OK About the colour: is it silver or gun metall grey? Can't really tell because of the PS editing ...
  6. My GTV V6 TB

    If you'll ever be looking for a buyer for those gray mats - Look no further I'll be glad to take them off your hands. Great red carpet BTW! Was it hard to remove?
  7. Alfa Romeo GTV

    Alfa Romeo GTV

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