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916 Members
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Everything posted by trebol

  1. Photo Contest - Autumn 2014

  2. Hello from France...

    How wonderful car, but I think it can be improved. A small and focused front tuition would be perfect.
  3. Sawasdee from Thailand

  4. Hello from Luxemburg

    51, suppose young bride, alfa spider, you live well ... Welcome.
  5. Hello from Valencia!

    Welcome Edu. While we see that we will go through the wonders around here.
  6. II meeting gtv-spider Valencia 2014

    We have spider turbo
  7. Hello guys im new on the forum from alfaowners

    Congratulations on these fantastic gtv, s.
  8. Me presento

    Good all Alfa lovers, especially the 916. I hope to have a good time with you all and share our hobby.I am Spanish and it is difficult to find good units in our market, selecting anyway I managed to have some.I own several 916, despite liking the v6 engine, am a fan of the 2.0 ts.
  9. My new toy

    Hey we're all, greetings.
  10. My guilty pleasure...

    I have very similar tastes, Saab is charming.
  11. Me presento

  12. Me presento

    I'm not a collector, I do what I can. But if you occasionally give me a whim, and as you say I like everything to keep a motor. Young was a crazy bikes, but now just do not use them, just see them go. And like everyone else, when I change cars, I have to get some ... Greetings.
  13. Me presento

    My other machina.... http://s16.postimg.org/4jo8qnar9/DSC_0867_1.jpg
  14. Evoman's GTV 3.0 V6 24v ( 2001 )

    That good news ..
  15. Introducing me and my Spider

    splendid spider
  16. 17 Inch Siena wheels.

    As I like those rims, the problem is that in southern Europe we have less money.
  17. Spaitalia 2014, 27 & 28 September

    Much work remains, but is targeted on the agenda, one never knows.
  18. GTV 3.2

    They just sold one in Spain, by just over 5000 and in excellent condition with 60000km. The price, I'd rather pay more and have less miles, but the problem is if you are in the country of origin, that is the most economical. By the way I sent two mail to a German sale for buying a gtv tb and second mail has vanished from Autoscout24.
  19. GTV 3.2

    nice, but many km.
  20. trebol gtv

    trebol gtv
  21. Original rack spider

    If someone has it in a corner and do not use, I am interested in buying an original rack.Greetings.
  22. My third 916 : Spider 2.0 V6 TB

    Good day mate, you have the alpha I lack in my garage, spider 2.0v6tb. Congratulations on the good taste you have in all your choices, and I feel the accident with the other v6tb. Greetings.
  23. Original gtv cup 3.0 24v 6, Number 69 http://i.imgur.com/3B36V9J.jpg http://i.imgur.com/J0iGPdr.jpg It's from a friend
  24. GTV 3.2 V6 24V - credulone

    like the changes very little, other than parts of series vehicles, but yours is simply spectacular, I am left speechless.Congratulations.I wonder if these pieces of the picture have been removed without removing the board, because the screws are extremely difficult to remove and in no time I do not want this operation and remove the board.Greetings, great job again.

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Squadra916 is the largest international community for owners and fans of Alfa Romeo GTV and Spider 916 cars.