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About welshsteve

  • Rank
    916 Member

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Barry Wales
  • Interests
    Fishing, Cars and Metal
  • Member Car
    V6 GTV Ph2
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  1. Ultimate 916 Spider

    Thanks for the input Carlo
  2. Ultimate 916 Spider

    Hi Jon, I hope you don't mind me asking but I know you have owned both so I guess you are the best qualified person I know who can answer this. How does the ts turbo compare to a busso? I mean in terms of reliability performance and general smiles per gallon? Cheers Steve.
  3. Ultimate 916 Spider

    Nice looking Spider that Jon, Well done on saving yet another!
  4. welshsteve

  5. New to the forum

    Wow! Now that's a clean cup......
  6. My Gtv V6 TB restoration :)

    Stunning colour and epic photos Thanks for sharing.
  7. First Post

    Very nice
  8. My GTV V6 TB

    They look fab Charlee! your engine looks how I would like to see mine.
  9. Ultimate 916 Spider

    Well done on the purchase Jon! sounds like you have got yourself a good project car to play with. Sounds like a lot of fun bringing it back from the brink.
  10. Ultimate 916 Spider

    Can't wait to see some pics! Good luck with the adventure.
  11. What nationalities are represented here?

    I'm in Wales.
  12. First Alfa

    Welcome to the world of Alfa's, generally I would look for something well maintained, recent belts regular services and in good order, depends on your budget really, are you after a 2.0 or a v6? big difference in price! anyway good luck with your search and CG Trading down Brighton way always have a good selection of v6 cars that are second to none.
  13. Hello from (occasionally sunny) Oxfordshire

    Welcome along, the spider looks stunning
  14. GROUP BUY: Torque7 V6 Silicone Intake Runners

    1. charlee 39mm x1 unbranded2. Performatechnik 39mm 1x3. Thanos 39mm x1 black unbranded4. GTV_City 44mm 2x sets black unbranded5. CGC 44mm x1 Black Unbranded Extra thick. 6. jonlane 39mm X1 black unbranded 7 Welshsteve 44mm x1 Black unbranded extra thick please.

Welcome to Squadra916

Squadra916 is the largest international community for owners and fans of Alfa Romeo GTV and Spider 916 cars.