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Everything posted by EvoMan

  1. Please allow me to introduce myself...

    Welcome. I love the phase 3 spider. It could do with 17 inch Teledials. Then it would be fingerlicking good.
  2. Me presento

    Are you a collector? You have serious amount of petrol in your blood. Good man!
  3. My guilty pleasure...

    I know nothing about the car. All I know is that it has 309 bhp by Hirsch. The exhaust is Hirsch and so are the brakes. I think the conversion is called Troll 23R. I will find out when it is in my garage. It was so cheap, I could not resist. The plan is to get some 400 bhp from this 2.3 turbo
  4. Weismann hardtop for sale in Sweden

    They have been building sports cars with a BMW engine for a while. They look fabulous.
  5. My guilty pleasure...

    Some more pictures. Wheelspin in 3rd gear. How funny.
  6. Weismann hardtop for sale in Sweden

    I think Wiesmann was on the verge of going bankrupt. I have to check. I think it will get harder in future, so always check of the hardtop is complete with fittings.
  7. Weismann hardtop for sale in Sweden

    And finding these. is not so easy. Most people leave the fittings in the car.
  8. My new toy

    Welcome. You have an amazing collection. Some good roads you have on the islands. Enjoy the forum.
  9. My guilty pleasure...

    Here is a picture from the front. Paint the wheels black. Install some Xenon. And see how much more power she has to give. 400bhp in a 900 sounds like fun.
  10. Weismann hardtop for sale in Sweden

    560 euro's. That is a steal!
  11. Coventry Green V6

    I could not agree more. I thought the same. Luckily you typed it ;-)
  12. My guilty pleasure...

    She used to be yellow, still visible under the bonnet. Leave it this way? Or paint it?
  13. GTV CUP NO 131 (Rhd UK spec)

    What a cool line up of parts. This will turn out to be a great Cup. I like your attention to detail. 2 thumbs for you
  14. My guilty pleasure...

    It seems that in the UK this was once the best selling convertible. They seem dirt cheap in the UK.
  15. DSCF5468jpegjpeg

  16. Coventry Green V6

    It is a classic combination, that does not work well on every car. Here it works perfectly. Thanks for sharing.
  17. Looking for someone to run our Facebook page

    I thought that Facebook was on his return anyway. Twitter seems to be better. To me it is all a huge time consumer I will rather pass on.
  18. Coventry Green V6

    What a sexy color combo. Stylish. Top it off with some great Teledials. I am in love!
  19. 916 Merchandise

    7XL? That can also be used as a car cover I guess. Only joking!
  20. Evoman's GTV 3.0 V6 24v ( 2001 )

    Just wait and see. The solution brought to me this morning is so cool, you all want it when you see it. When I unpack the box, I will explain further. It is so simple! The washer stalks will come up to be at the right angle. When it is finished, it will look like it came from the factory this way. I will not ruin my bumper with holes if I am not convinced it can be done in a high finish way.
  21. Evoman's GTV 3.0 V6 24v ( 2001 )

    I have thought the same. The angle of the spray should be just about right. Off course it needs to be functional, but also because it is cool.
  22. Spider Sportivo

    Red rocks!
  23. Evoman's GTV 3.0 V6 24v ( 2001 )

    Sure, I like the Milano's. The trouble is, I have bought the VW seats. Both seats have to be re upholstered to match my taste. I like the unknown, and no one has fitted VW seats yet ;-) Another thing is, I want the rear of the seats ( the " backplate" ) painted in Alfa Rosso. This to brighten up the dark interior. Thanks for pointing the seats out though. If I knew 3 days ago, I would probably have bought them.
  24. Greeting from Apeldoorn / Netherlands

    Welcome to this international community. Enjoy your Spider!
  25. Should probably introduce myself

    Tasty! One of my favorite combinations. Grey and red.

Welcome to Squadra916

Squadra916 is the largest international community for owners and fans of Alfa Romeo GTV and Spider 916 cars.