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About Robbie146

  • Rank
    916 Member

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  • Gender
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  • Member Car
    1999 Spider 1.8TS
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  1. Robbie146

  2. Alfa Romeo 916 Spider

    Alfa Romeo 916 Spider
  3. Robbie146 - Spider 1.8TS

    Some pics of my 1999 916 Spider 1.8TS
  4. Robbie146 - 1999 Spider 1.8TS

    Hi, Already joined some time ago, but never posted as far as I know At the moment I own a 1999 Spider 1.8 TS witch was pretty standard when I bought it in 2013, but already a lot of work has been done to make the spider to met my personal taste. Before the spider I owned a 1996 2.0 V6 Tb, a 1998 166 3.0 V6 24V Sportronic, a 2000 146 1.6TS and a 1996 146 1.6 IE L. From both 916's (and the other Alfa Romeo's) I have a gallery on my own website: http://www.alfarobbie.com/Driver_Robbie_Spider/index.html http://www.alfarobbie.com/Driver_Robbie_GTV/index.html I am also already for allmost 10 years a active member of the Dutch 916 Register. We also own an 2002 Rosso 147 1.6TS Progression for my wife. This care makes no more then 600-1000 kilometers per year as she makes as much as possible use of my company car
  5. Welcome to the forums Robbie146 :)

    1. Robbie146


      Thanks, will spend some time to look around then introduce myself properly ")

    2. Robbie146


      Thanks, will spend some time to look around then introduce myself properly ")

    3. charlee


      Take your time ;)

Welcome to Squadra916

Squadra916 is the largest international community for owners and fans of Alfa Romeo GTV and Spider 916 cars.