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About poper

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    916 Newbie

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    alfa spider gtv 2.0 ts giallo zoe
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  1. poper

  2. My giallo zoe 2.0

    Hi friends i'm telling you that my spider (2.0 ts giallo zoe blue style interior with blue electric hood) little mods that i made it.This is the car when i bought it.It has a ph1 wheels and ph1 grill (I dont know why because the car is a ph2 from the year 2000) The first mod was change the ph1 wheels for the selespeed 17inch wheels, when i was changing the wheels i had a good surprise the car has novitec springs and a new suspension 😊 The second thing was spray the calipers in giallo zoe and mount the lip of the seat leon cupra and put the original ph2 grill. The 3rd mod was mount kit xenon ligths and change all the interior lights,plates lights and position lights to led lights The last mod was mount 20mm rear spacers and 16mm at front and change de selespeed rims to a gt sport wheels with 225/45/17 uniroyal tires (the old tires was 215/45/17)and this is the result today i'm thinkin to change the rear exshaust to a v6 turbo exshaust to have a less silencer.
  3. alfa spider giallo zoe blue style alfa romeo spider 2.0 ts
  4. my spider

  5. mods of my 2.0ts ph1

    Yes!!!is the next mod that i want to do but im afraid to change the alarm because it is possible to make me crazy, but i will change the hidraulics to autoopen the bootlid with the button in the glovebox.the bmw is a friend that all of his cars are bmw.german cars bahhh
  6. mods of my 2.0ts ph1

    Thanks, yes is that badge a little qv touch
  7. mods of my 2.0ts ph1

    Yes is a straight swap but you have to keep the clockspring of the ph1 steering wheel
  8. mods of my 2.0ts ph1

    Hi i upload some photos to show the changes that i made in my 2.0ts. This is when i bought the car. The first mod that did was change the original ph1 rims for the 147 selespeed 17 inch rims. The second mod it was change the ugliest steering wheel that i never seen ph1 wheel for a 166 3 spokes wheel. The 3rd thing it was respray and repair the car because a old woman crash to my door and it was the excuse to spray all the car included all the Black parts like the grills.I putted the lip of the seat leon cupra and it fits fabolus with the design of the car and spray in red the brake calipers and put the caliper stickers.
  9. gtv 2.0 ts by me

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Squadra916 is the largest international community for owners and fans of Alfa Romeo GTV and Spider 916 cars.