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About Thorleyman

  • Rank
    916 Newbie

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  • Member Car
    GTV Cup #68
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  1. Cup shot

  2. Photo Contest - Autumn 2014

    The quality is fine when its clicked on and opened up to full size
  3. Re-introduction, and Alfaholics GTV

    just found the pics i took when i did mine, might start a thread later. was watching your GTV when it was for sale trying to justify adding all the upgrades to my cup.
  4. Re-introduction, and Alfaholics GTV

    Nice car mate, one thing to do is put HIDs in the front fog lights. A bit more involved to do than the headlights but looks better than the yellow bulbs
  5. My V6 with quads, cup kit and blacklines

    i recognise that car and car park
  6. My Cup

    Eyup Stu hope your well. Quads are a possibility just had Q2 done though so a bit brassic.
  7. My Cup

    Think it was the only nice day in the UK all year
  8. My Cup

    Some pics i took on the day i got it.
  9. Alfa Romeo GTV Cup #68

    Alfa Romeo GTV Cup #68

Welcome to Squadra916

Squadra916 is the largest international community for owners and fans of Alfa Romeo GTV and Spider 916 cars.