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Øyvind I

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About Øyvind I

  • Rank
    916 Newbie
  • Birthday 01/04/1968

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  • Member Car
    GTV 2.0 TS
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  1. Hi, after having a 3.0 V6 24 for 9 years I part changed for a 1998 mod 2.0 TS and cash from an owner who had had it for 8 months, done all belts and water pump, internal engine clean 3 oil shifts, internal gear box, new plugs, lambda, new arms at rear suspention ++ and some touch up point. Car rather tidy for 178.000 km, and used year round at heavy salted roads here in Norway - so a bit rust, but no disaster. Started by changing, both drive shafts (heavy vibration), front suspension arms, and now about to change new but rubbish breaks (why do some people (not the gyu I bought from) buy the cheapest stuff?? Useless) with new discs and Ferrodo DS 2500, new top struts both sides, Magneti Marelli front shocks, bump stops etc etc. (A set of Bilstein B6 with 20.000 km will be coming for sale as I find them a bit on the stif side for my current use.) A very nice drive and although engine does obviously not have the grunt and power of the V6, it is still a lively unit and weight balance makes is a better drivers car on small roads. Regards Øyvind
  2. Øyvind I

  3. Restoration Complete

    Beautiful and correctly height in my opinion Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Squadra916 is the largest international community for owners and fans of Alfa Romeo GTV and Spider 916 cars.