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About invader89

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    IV GRAN GALA' DI FINE STAGIONE - Piazza Grande - - PALMANOVA (UD) - Domenica 1 dicembre 2013 Forum Link:http://stilealfaromeo.forumfree.it/?t=67325784 Presentazione evento in PDF:https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BwVv2603f29hWTdDNFgwdXpmNUE/edit?usp=sharing Presentazione evento in lingua TEDESCA in PDF:https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwVv2603f29hcDhrWU1LZE0tQms/edit?usp=sharing Presentazione evento in lingua INLGESE in PDF:https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwVv2603f29hLWVpSWdsbHVoVTQ/edit?usp=sharing
  2. Stile Alfa Romeo - Gran Galà di fine stagione 2013

    Stile Alfa Romeo - Gran Galà di fine stagione 2013 - Palmanova (UD) - ITALY http://stilealfaromeo.forumfree.it/?t=67325784
  3. Forum Link: http://stilealfaromeo.forumfree.it/?t=67325784 Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/1396293337275021/?source=1 Presentazione evento in Pdf: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BwVv2603f29hWTdDNFgwdXpmNUE/edit?usp=sharing Presentazione evento INGLESE: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwVv2603f29hLWVpSWdsbHVoVTQ/edit?usp=sharing Presentazione evento TEDESCO: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwVv2603f29hcDhrWU1LZE0tQms/edit?usp=sharing
  4. No, maybe I did not explain, because my English is not very good.Our "club" accepts new and old's Alfa Romeo, but we do not have privileges for buying new Alfa Romeo . "So there is many clubs which respect only old alfas and not "new" one? So there is distinguish between alfa enthusiast." Unfortunately yes! This is a behavior of some of which we're not proud. Luckily we (Stile Alfa Romeo) are a club made ​​up of young people and old people that has no prejudice and without discrimination to all Alfa Romeo Affiliated clubs RIAR are 16, and you can see them at this link: http://www.riar.it/it/node/114 . .
  5. In December 2012 Stile Alfa Romeo had more than 80 members "active", as well as sympathizers and those members who did not participate after enrollment.
  6. In Italy there are many clubs Alfa Romeo in different geographical areas of the state. Our (Stile Alfa Romeo) includes the north west of the state (Friuli Venezia Giulia and Veneto) area characterized by the presence of a few clubs Alfa Romeo.We must make a distinction: we are a club recognized by RIAR (Alfa Romeo Italian Registry) and consequently by Alfa Romeo. Many other clubs however, are not officially recognized and are born from a small group of local enthusiasts. Another important thing is that our club is the opportunity to subscribe to the cars before the coming of Fiat, Fiat management and those after collecting broad consensus among both young people and old people. There are many clubs instead of considering only the first true Alfa Romeo before '87 with rear-wheel drive, which in my opinion is not a correct behavior and sensible. To subscribe to our club as a member you have to have any Alfa Romeo, or there is also the opportunity to enroll as a sympathizer. Unfortunately, the photo of the front 8C Competizione came dark because of the sun.
  7. New photos available look at the end of page https://picasaweb.google.com/StileAlfaRomeo/50AUTODELTASOTTOLESTELLEDaFELETTOASANDANIELESulleOrmeDelMitoSabato29Giugno2013
  8. Sorry for my inappropriate utterance . invader89, on 01 Jul 2013 - 23:41, said: So on this picture someone have close meet with the interior of your car -> link. I can not see the 8C in the any picture in the album. More Spiders than GTVs, is the Spider more popular and common than GTV in Italy? I'm sorry, I did not realize to be in that picture, that's me sitting in the car! The photos of the 8c competizione do not see them because they are not yet online .Will be uploaded in the coming days I'll keep you updated In Italy are more gtv and less spider, but in recent rallies we see a massive participation of spiders . In my club there are many gtv, but on Saturday did not come because they were all under repair or in box.
  9. Thank you!!!!! No, I'm 24 years old! and are not present in any photos of this album, but you can see my Gtv in a lot of photos! What do you think? we were 55 cars, and my gtv led the group into the trip. Also present were three "Giulietta Autodelta" and was exposed an 8c Competizione.Update with missing photos soon.
  10. https://picasaweb.google.com/StileAlfaRomeo/50AUTODELTASOTTOLESTELLEDaFELETTOASANDANIELESulleOrmeDelMitoSabato29Giugno2013?authuser=0&feat=directlink
  11. 50° Autodelta Anniversary - Feletto Umberto (UD) I

    Hello, these are links to an interesting rally commemorating the 50th anniversary of the 'Autodelta' in Friuli Venezia Giulia, the birthplace of this prestigious company. The event will take place on 29 June 2013. I hope to meet you to commemorate the myth of the 'Autodelta'. The program in English: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BwVv2603f29hX3k2aWxaN2oxeW8/edit?usp=sharing Link to our forum: http://stilealfaromeo.forumfree.it/?t=66094376&st=15#entry536871752 For more information: stilealfaromeo@gmail.com Hotels in the area: HOTEL AL PICARON Ristorante Via Sant’Andrat n. 3, Tel. 0432940688 – www.alpicaron.it – info@alpicaron.it Periodo di apertura: Sempre ALBERGO AI SAPORI Viale Venezia S.S. 463 n. 57/b, Tel. 0432940671 - www.aisapori.eu - albergo@aisapori.eu Periodo di apertura: Sempre
  12. Hello, these are links to an interesting rally commemorating the 50th anniversary of the 'Autodelta' in Friuli Venezia Giulia, the birthplace of this prestigious company. The event will take place on 29 June 2013. I hope to meet you to commemorate the myth of the 'Autodelta'. The program in English: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BwVv2603f29hX3k2aWxaN2oxeW8/edit Link to our forum: http://stilealfaromeo.forumfree.it/?t=66094376 For more information: stilealfaromeo@gmail.com
  13. I and my Gtv V6 TB

    It 'hard to find what you need in Friuli Venezia Giulia. It 's easier to find material in neighboring Slovenia. In the official dealers you can find posters, brochures and small objects, but in this area there is no other. The Alfa Romeo is more rooted in the North-West Italy (Milano). My club (StileAlfaRomeo) organizes a meeting on July 28 in Udine (H.15.00-17.00) up to Cividale del Friuli (H.20.00-22.00). At the meeting you can find material of my club (shirts, umbrellas, key rings, lighters, pens,hats etc.) and you can also see interesting new and vintage Alfa Romeo. :wub: http://stilealfaromeo.forumfree.it/?t=62181175 bye-bye
  14. I and my Gtv V6 TB

    Hi, I'm Roberto and I live in Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy). I drive a Gtv V6 TB. My Gtv has 230cv and 31kgm with the mitsubishi 164 turbo now! I love it .This is my Gtv web site: http://myalfaromeogtv.altervista.org/ I like this forum, it's very nice but sorry my bad English!

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