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About UrošV6

  • Rank
    916 Newbie

Profile Information

  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Renovation, mechanic's, sport car's, all about car's, bike's, and engines burning gasoline (or stronger), electric, painting, wodwork, welding, body work... Im interasted in all trades and everything - I do all by my self- ultimate goal...
  • Member Car
    156 2.5 V6 24v
  • Country

About Me

Im 42, born in Belgrade, moved to Slovenia 6 years ago where I live and work with my wife. First car that I want to buy was Alfa Romeo GTV but my father didn't let me to do so, so after a lots of years, two years ago I bought my first Alfa, it was black 145 1.6 TS, I have bought fourth month ago... Busso.... I fall completely in love and my life now is 24/7 just about Alfa's...

Welcome to Squadra916

Squadra916 is the largest international community for owners and fans of Alfa Romeo GTV and Spider 916 cars.