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916 Members
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About Spidahman

  • Rank
    916 Member

Profile Information

  • Location
  • Member Car
    1997 Triple Black 2.0 TS Spider
  1. Howdy! from Alberta Canada.

    Welcome neighbor. If you happen to make an Okanagan run this summer with the Alfa drop me a line.
  2. Member Map

    One lonely pin in Canada.
  3. Events

    Great idea. Gonna be kind of tough for Canada as anyone with a 916 (very few) is going to have to partake with the older Alfa's. Oh well not a bad thing.
  4. My favourite cars of other Marques

    Lotus Super 7.
  5. Anyone going to Spa Italia ?

    I could only wish.
  6. Matt black GTV

    Less wind resistance with the Gloss.
  7. 916 Spider from Barcelona


Welcome to Squadra916

Squadra916 is the largest international community for owners and fans of Alfa Romeo GTV and Spider 916 cars.