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Everything posted by ToxyMaTT

  1. News from the Store

    The black wallet with red stiches is just
  2. My GTV V6 TB

  3. GTV "Cup look" by ToxyMaTT

    Here : http://www.tapisautomobile.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=21_1239_67&products_id=190
  4. GTV "Cup look" by ToxyMaTT

    Some new pics after washing the GTV and wax it with Meguiars Gold Class :
  5. My GTV V6 TB

    I bought mine in UK
  6. Classic Alfa racers

    Some French oldies last sunday at Dijon-Prenois !
  7. Beautiful 916s around the World !

    The last ones (the withes) are NOT beautiful ...
  8. GTV "Cup look" by ToxyMaTT

    No, I had 330mm at a time, but removed them and put 305mm so that I can use 16' for track use without spacers !
  9. GTV "Cup look" by ToxyMaTT

    No I didn't scratch the floor (I don't think ... I didn't look under the side skirts ) And yes, 16' for track use (soon with Federal 595 RSR tyres !!!), for better handling and acceleration ! And 18' Siena for road use
  10. ToxyMaTT's GTV

    Here's my GTV in a place that it (and I...) love ! With some nice corners !!
  11. Alfa Romeo GTV 3.2 V6 24V (2005)

    Hummmm nice garage !
  12. GTV "Cup look" by ToxyMaTT

    Thanks for all your comments Now, some pics of my GTV on Dijon-Prenois track :
  13. Photo Competition • March 2012

    What is the theme ?
  14. My Gtv & Spider.

    Where did you find them ? Cup Teledials looks awesome !!! And your spider will look very nice with the Cup kit. You also have Cup wings ? Will you repaint it in the same color ?
  15. Zender footrest from Gazella

    Yes, but it was very loooooooooong !
  16. Zender footrest from Gazella

    I bought my Zender pedal set and footrest from Gazzela 2 years ago! I had to wait 6 long weeks to receive the parcel !!!! And no news from Gazzela ...
  17. My GTV V6 TB

    Glad you found your red carpet !!! Why do you need my help ?
  18. GTV "Cup look" by ToxyMaTT

    My center wheels caps : And my engine covers :
  19. 916 Special Editions

  20. 916 Special Editions

    GTV Cup 2L TS : More : => https://picasaweb.google.com/118295904000735437306/AlfaRomeoGtvCupN122
  21. Beautiful 916s around the World !

    Another GTV, with very nice pics !
  22. vinnie's spider

    Depends of what you've done on the exhaust line ...
  23. GTV "Cup look" by ToxyMaTT

    My center wheels caps painted in Rosso Red !
  24. Red carpet LHD

    I paid 120€ for mine

Welcome to Squadra916

Squadra916 is the largest international community for owners and fans of Alfa Romeo GTV and Spider 916 cars.