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Everything posted by daveypark

  1. GTV Disasters...

    Oh dear! Driver ok?
  2. Alfa curiosities, merchandising, life style...

    Wow! so cool but possible grounds for divorce.
  3. Two GTV Cup's evening out at the Pub

    Cool Alan, what number Cup was it?
  4. '99 Spider 2.0TS

    Fantastic Alxege, nice licence plate too.
  5. My well used and modified Spider TS.

    For that mileage she looks great Euroboy. Have you had to do many engine repairs?
  6. GTV Disasters...

    Oh my God, nasty nasty... Check the exhaust on the Spider - what were they thinking?
  7. The Beautiful GTV Cup in Group

    This event did happen! I was there..... However, besides those noisy red ones that all look the same there were loads of other 916's.
  8. Member Map

  9. Alfa Romeo GTV

    Alfa Romeo GTV

Welcome to Squadra916

Squadra916 is the largest international community for owners and fans of Alfa Romeo GTV and Spider 916 cars.