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About Sven

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    916 Member

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  • Member Car
    916 v6 TB

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  1. Alfa romeo Gtv

    Alfa romeo Gtv
  2. The new dutch member

    Hey Nico, I thougt i posted my pics in my garage. Cant you open them? The dents i have are removed by a friend of mine, restyle nederland is his company. When you need his adres and contact: http://www.restylehaaglanden.nl/faq/index.htm
  3. Hello guys, My name is Sven and i'm from the Netherlands. I'm 40 years old and i work as a firefighter. I also paint cars, repair demaged cars en detail them also. I drive a GTV V6 TB fase 1 1995. This car i painted about 14 years ago and after that the car was sold to a Alfa Romeo dealer neer The hague. 2 years ago i was searching for a V6 tb and i bought back my own car. This GTV is now in a very good condition. New clutch en steeringsystem, new shockers en brakes. New tires, everything under the hood is fresh or new. A Cupkit was fitted 14 years ago also. The only thing i have to do is restyle some dents in the door, repaint the rims en detail the body and paint ( swirls and scratches ). Im also member of the alfa916register in the Netherlands. Hope to speak or see some of you soon.
  4. Welcome to the forums Sven :)

Welcome to Squadra916

Squadra916 is the largest international community for owners and fans of Alfa Romeo GTV and Spider 916 cars.