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About Monni

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    916 Newbie

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  • Member Car
    Spider 916 3.2
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  1. Alfa Romeo Spider 916 3.2

    Alfa Romeo Spider 916 3.2
  2. The new guy from Luxembourg

    Nico, I bought it in Germany from a retired engineer and car fanatic. Drove over ten Alfa V6 over the years, has currently six cars in parallel, and decided that the Spider had now to leave after 12 years in his possession - with full service history and not even 40.000km... Untuned - well, apart from Bilstein B6 and some minor tweaks here and there, it actually is OEM. Love it.
  3. The new guy from Luxembourg

    Right, as promised some pics, after (finally) passing customs, technical control and registration - fully cleaned too :-)
  4. The new guy from Luxembourg

    No worries, just leave me some days to have it registered ;-)
  5. Hi guys, Hello from Luxembourg. Alfista since 2001, first with an Alfa 147, followed by a 159 Sportwagon (twice a jtd Distinctive), I had to switch to a different manufacturer in 2014 as Alfa (still) has failed to produce a successor for my beloved 159. Even though my daily driver is now a different brand because of those reasons, the Alfa virus still subsists. For years, I've been tempted to buy a Spider, and after browsing the ads over the last months, seeing lots of high km spiders, many rotten and badly maintained ones, plus some rather unfortunate tuning objects, I now found a very low mileage untuned well maintained 916 3.2 - I bought it yesterday on the spot. happy to be back ;-)
  6. Welcome to the forums Monni :)

  7. Monni

Welcome to Squadra916

Squadra916 is the largest international community for owners and fans of Alfa Romeo GTV and Spider 916 cars.