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Everything posted by BUNTU

  1. RT @HajraOmarjee: Spare a thought for late journalist Mandy Rossouw who stumbled upon the start of what would become Zuma's Nkandla home #N…
  2. RT @ANN7tv: #MartinMadlala: All advances & technologies in the mines need to be explored to maintain safety #Barberton #Miners #Trapped @AN…
  3. @CityPowerJhb Ehat has happened to power in Pimville/Kliptown area? When will it return?
  4. RT @ANN7tv: Barry Steenkam's exclusive interview with #ANN7Prime | Do watch #Dstv405 @KaldenOngmu https://t.co/KG4lBG35A7
  5. RT @EdinburghPolice: Any1 lost 33k of cannabis in the Edinburgh area? Don’t panic, we found it. Please come to the station to collect. http…

  6. #night #Numsa Battle for Cosatu hints at long-suspected cloack and dagger strategies of protagonists #night. What to do? #RunJozi

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Squadra916 is the largest international community for owners and fans of Alfa Romeo GTV and Spider 916 cars.