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Everything posted by charlee

  1. 916 Special Editions

    Here's a silver Cup from Japan
  2. 916 Special Editions

    And where is the rear spoiler? I suppose it's not a Cup.
  3. 916 Special Editions

    One more.
  4. 916 Special Editions

    Most special editions were in Germany. Did you know that there was a GTV TI P3?
  5. 916 Special Editions

    Spider Edizione Elegante GTV Edizione Sportiva I have some interior pictures of the Edizione Sportiva. I'll upload them when I find them.
  6. vinnie's spider

    I had a 2.5 V6 24V, 3.0 V6 24V, 3.0 V6 12V and a 2.0 V6 12V. The 12V engines are better sounding IMHO. Have more Alfa roar than the 24V engines. The 24V engines are very quiet compared to 12V.
  7. Alfaholics 1600 GTA

    Have you seen this? It's absolutely stunning!
  8. GTV phase 2 central arm rest

    Here's one on eBay from Autolusso. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Alfa-Romeo-GTV-Storage-box-cubby-hole-centre-console-/330698098082?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item4cff2485a2#ht_500wt_1050
  9. vinnie's spider

    Love the quads! That's a 12V, isn't it? Best sounding Alfa V6
  10. Beautiful 916s around the World !

    The Swiss always had great looking Alfas. Well, mostly.
  11. Gallery

    You can upload images in the global Gallery. It's visible to all visitors and it's a great way to have an archive of all Spiders and GTVs! Uploading is easy and you can upload multiple items at once. You just have to upload to the correct album (GTV and Spider for now). There will be an Events global section where you will be able to create your own albums with pictures from meetings and other Alfa events with GTVs and Spiders.
  12. Gallery

    You can now add your meeting pictures in the Events section Please write short and descriptive titles.
  13. Red carpet LHD

    Looks good! I have contacted Autolusso and they have it so I'm waiting for a shipping quote How much did you pay for your carpet?
  14. Beautiful 916s around the World !

    That's the one
  15. GTV phase 2 central arm rest

    Try Autolusso parts@autolusso.co.uk
  16. My GTV V6 TB

    Mito QV badges.
  17. Red carpet LHD

    So it fits! Great! Please find the link
  18. Red carpet LHD

    You can compare yourself. It's different. I would have to have RHD mats and it looks like there's no room for the pedals.
  19. GTV V6 TB

  20. GTV V6 TB

  21. GTV V6 TB

  22. GTV V6 TB

  23. GTV V6 TB

  24. GTV V6 TB

  25. Trying to wake up... :/

Welcome to Squadra916

Squadra916 is the largest international community for owners and fans of Alfa Romeo GTV and Spider 916 cars.