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Alfa Romeo GTV
By ToxyMaTT, 29/02/12
  • Color Rosso Alfa
  • Year 2000
  • Description Cup kit
    Zender Siena 18' (road)
    Black OEM wheels 16' (track use)

    Bilstein B6 + Eibach -20mm springs
    Stainless steel brake pipes + EBC Redstuff + RBF600 brake fluid
    EL downpipes + Decat + Ragazzon center silencer + Novitec CUP Quad DTM 4x76mm
  • Engine --


When I saw Sienas in this combination my reaction was an instant 5 star raiting! Toxy's GTV is in my "legendary" section. :)

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Squadra916 is the largest international community for owners and fans of Alfa Romeo GTV and Spider 916 cars.