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Alfa Romeo GTV
By Persimmon, 03/03/12
  • Color RED
  • Year 2001
  • Description GTV Lusso Twin Spark
  • Engine --


Last year my son and I drove down to Brescia in Italy to see the start of the Mille Miglia in his Alfa GTV


To make the trip more fun we got there several days earliy so that we could do our own version of the 1000 miles drive from Brescia to Roma and back to Brescia.

Day 1 was from Brescia through Verona and Modena and Marenello (visited the Farrari factory and museum )arriving at Bologna for the evening.

Day 2 began with a trip to Imola and Rimini. Then on to San Marino and a long drive to Roma.

Day 3 started with a tour of Roma and then onto Sienna and Florence ( we did stop off at the Lamborghini factory as well).

Day 4 was leaving Florence and then going up and over the Raticosa and Futa passes and arriving back in Brescia. In time to watch the start of the Miile Miglia the next day.

Oh and as we drove down from England we stopped off at the old Grand Prix circuit at Rheims in France for pictures and a drive around.. The next day we crossed the Alps as you can see from the pictures.

It was a great trip and the Alfa GTV was a star


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Squadra916 is the largest international community for owners and fans of Alfa Romeo GTV and Spider 916 cars.