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Photo Information for gtv
Original File Size2129920
Mime Typeimage/jpeg
Image Height2176
Image Width3872
Byte Order MotorolaFALSE
Image DescriptionSONY DSC
Camera MakeSONY
Camera ModelDSLR-A330
OrientationThe 0th row is at the visual top of the image, and the 0th column is the visual left-hand side
Resolution Unit2
SoftwareDSLR-A330 v1.00
Date Taken2016:09:23 12:09:58
YCbCr Positioningco-sited
Exposure Time1/200
F Number100/10
Exposure ProgramNormal program
ISO Speed Ratings100
Exif Version0221
Date Taken2016:09:23 12:09:58
Date Digitized2016:09:23 12:09:58
Compressed bits/pixel8/1
Brightness Value950/100
Exposure Bias Value0/10
Max Aperture Value400/100
Metering ModePattern
Light SourceUnknown
Focal Length220/10
Flashpix VersionFlashpix Format Version 1.0
Color SpacesRGB
Image Width3872
Image Length2176
Interoperability Offset31332
Exposure ModeAuto exposure
White BalanceAuto white balance
Focal Length (35mm equiv)33
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Inter-operability IndexR98
Inter-operability Version0100